Credit Unions
Credit Unions: a not-for-profit financial cooperative that makes personal loans and offers other consumer banking services to persons sharing a common bond. Common bonds typically include employees of a company, a labor union, a religious group or geographic area. All Florida credit unions are required to have National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) insurance offered by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).
Application Requirements
Submission of the appropriate application (with filing fee) and related forms to the Office of Financial Regulation. An application will also have to be submitted to the National Credit Union Administration.
- HB 3 Implementation for Financial Services Providers
- HB 989 Implementation for Financial Institutions
For additional information, contact the Division of Financial Institutions Tallahassee office at (850) 410-9800 or via e-mail at
Establishing a Charter
OFR-U-69 - Dissolution Certificate (Used by Credit Unions)
OFR-U-70 - Expansion of Field of Membership Questionnaire (Used by Credit Unions)
OFR-U-64 - Application for Authority to Merge a Credit Union into a State Credit Union
OFR-U-4 - Conversion Application
OFR-U-10 - Interagency Biographical and Financial Form
Addendum OFR-U-10A - Confidential Release of Information Supplement to the Interagency Biographical and Financial Form (Use with OFR-U-10)
OFR-U-17 - Purchase & Assumption Application
OFR-U-19 - Merger Application
OFR-U-19a - Merger Application/Successor Institution Application
OFR-U-60 - Application for Authority to Operate a State Credit Union
OFR-U-61 - Model Credit Union Bylaw Form
OFR-U-61A - Credit Union By-Law Amendment Form
OFR-U-67 - Conversion Application
OFR-U-XX - Debt Cancellation Products - Short Form Disclosures
OFR-U-YY - Debt Cancellation Products - Long Form Disclosures
OFR-U-323 - Financial Institutions Attestation Form
OFR-U-3232 - Complaint Response Report
Annual Financial Institution Safety and Soundness Examination Survey
Biographical Sketch on Officers, Directors & Committee Members - (Used by credit unions)
OFR-U-21 - Report of Officials
Notice regarding the collection and use of social security numbers
Corporate Name Approval Request Form - Note: In order for the Office of Financial Regulation to consider a request by a proposed non-financial institution business for approval to use "bank," "banker," "banking," "trust company," "savings and loan association," "savings bank," or "credit union," or words of similar import, in any context or in any manner in its corporate title, and issue a no objection letter, please complete and submit this form.
Certificate of Good Standing Request Form - This form should be used by persons or entities other than Florida financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, or state/federal regulatory agencies to request certificates of good standing for state-chartered banks, credit unions, and trust companies, or state-licensed international banking offices. NOTE: IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU NEED A CERTIFICATE, PLEASE CALL 850-410-9800 BEFORE SUBMITTING A REQUEST!
Director Approval Form - This form should be used by state financial institutions that are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 655.0385, Florida Statutes.
Statutes and Rules
Chapter 655: Financial Institutions
Chapter 657: Credit Unions
Chapter 69U-100 through 69U-162: Florida Financial Institutions Rules
Materials Incorporated by Reference in Rules
12 CFR 741.202
12 CFR 741.6
12 CFR 701.37
12 CFR 741.3(d) and 741.201(a)
12 CFR Part 702
12 USC 1790d